6 Kasım 2010 Cumartesi
assombrissement siège Six
Voici six sièges pour assombrir naturelles Solution
1 cuillère à soupe de yogourt nature
1 cuillère à café de vinaigre
1 cuillère à café de farine de riz
Après le mélange de ces ingrédients bien nettoyer l'exploration altınıza siège, vous remarquerez une amélioration .. Si vous spécifiez une nouvelle amélioration dans la section des méthodes d'observation au moins peut dire ..
Ensuite, attendre 15 minutes dans ce mélange sous le siège.
Enlevez en frottant
rincer à l'eau chaude
Ce processus est 2 fois par semaine faire.
Consommation d'alcool et de cigarettes durant la grossesse
Pendant la grossesse, l'utilisation de la mère de l'alcool et le tabagisme, ainsi que du tort au bébé à naître est. Quelle que soit la quantité de femmes enceintes continuent de consommer de l'alcool et des cigarettes et même un effet négatif sur le développement de leur bébé à naître dans le sein au bébé de vivre des situations a entraîné les décès signalés par les experts.
La consommation d'alcool et de cigarettes au cours de la grossesse les pertes ne sont pas les mêmes. Bien que le montant du tabagisme peut endommager le bébé, mais une petite quantité de la consommation d'alcool ne peut nuire au bébé. L'alcool et le tabagisme sera dangereuse pour le bébé comme un olabilir.Alkol perte directe ou indirecte et un certain nombre de maladies, le tabagisme maternel pour le bébé d'être pris de créer plus facilement le danger. Pour cette raison, les experts et les non-consommation d'alcool pendant la grossesse ne sont pas maintenus, notamment rejoint l'avis.
Huile abdominale Comment faire fondre?
Fond dans les huiles femme Comment?
Les aliments à faible teneur en calories sont prises, et les aliments sans matières grasses doivent être prises. Abdominale yaourt maigre dans la masse fondue a été montré pour être efficace dans une enquête des États-Unis. calories yogourt sans gras dans l'alimentation entraîne une très rapide brûler. S'il vous plaît donner la priorité aux fruits et légumes frais. Sıkılmş jus de fruits frais, en particulier la perte de poids et le ventre joue un rôle important dans la masse fondue. Et buvez beaucoup d'eau. De l'eau glacée dans l'estomac, donne un sentiment de saturation.
Abdominale huile de fusion Sports et de l'exercice
pratique régulière du sport et de l'exercice est essentiel pour faire fondre le ventre. Un des sports, la natation perte de poids est recommandé. La natation est disponible grâce à un poids santé. À la maison, assis sur une base régulière est recommandée. Tous les jours de 30 à 45 minutes pour prendre la navette serait un moyen efficace pour la graisse abdominale.
5 Kasım 2010 Cuma
Physical Causes of Erectile Problems
Hardening of the physical origin and psychological problems are considered as two separate categories. These categories of causes are many and varied.
The most common form of erectile dysfunction of cardiovascular system diseases. Blood flow in patients with circulation problems on the negative effect of hardening is not as healthy.
Diabetes can affect nerves that can lead to weakening of the signals started hardening. Other issues, prevents hardening of the nervous system and disease, especially ms.
Estrogen used in hormone therapy for any disease, and in particular prevents hardening taken. Alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, stimulants, narrowed blood vessels. Especially the lips, finger tips and around the reproductive organs by affecting blood vessels would result in irregular circulation.
Diseases caused by drugs used in the treatment of erection problems are considered among the physical causes. Blood pressure lowering drugs, ulcer drugs, the drugs used for allergic problems may prevent hardening. Some types of drugs also leads to the problem. Some of these effects has been known to strengthen an erection drugs are generally very short-lived and long-term tissue by destroying all the drugs that erection can cause permanent problems.
The growth of the prostate gland, the presence of tumors, cancer of the prostate gland removed due to constant and can lead to erectile problems. Prostate problems and other reproductive organs and affects the secretion of testosterone. Low levels of testosterone are likely to güçleşmesi erection.
To cure the lack of testosterone affects sexual desire. Excessive testosterone caused high sexual desire - which is very rare in this situation, the person is low, resulting in sexual intercourse does not want to. The erection of a block other hormone prolactin.
In men the cause of erectile is important to understand the problem. The problem is based on physical causes and psychological causes, such as to withstand even the presence of both together. Sexual intercourse in the morning but started to have erection at night or wants to suggest that psychological problems probably seen an erection. Hardening can be no physical cause does not need to consult a urologist. Urologist
the cause of the problem of physical examination and ask questions you will find exactly the help.
Sexual organs could be done a few tests to measure blood pressure for the low types. Whether there is adequate blood flow can be detected by applying them. Substance secreted by the prostate tests that measure PSA, which measures the health of the heart and blood vessel angiogram, physical problems are diagnosed with advanced imaging tests.
Hekimhastaya implementing appropriate treatment after diagnosis and most of the problems are solved. Psychological problems in people with psychological support and various therapies in the treatment of the issues are included.
Children of Adolescent Girls
Adolescence is the period beginning on exactly when there is a certain line. Some experts from the age of 8 is invisible in some developments and puberty started at this point, some experts have indicated to be criteria for extension of the neck, the most common symptom of puberty seen in nearly 12 years of age and gender characteristics of the features boldly showing.
The development of secondary sex characteristics of young girls breasts, armpits and around genital pubescence and the formation of the first menstruation.
Her breasts began to develop in the chest at the end of a young girl ring, the color darkens. While the average age of 12 starts, and the development of prominent breast 15 At the age of exits. Fledge before the start u as light, color, darkening with the ongoing development, while the final is between the ages of 15-17.
The first two bleeding young girls living all over the world are regarded as a daughter. A highly irregular menstrual bleeding in the first years. Ovulation happens. Bleeding is the final version in 3-4 years. The first person's genetic characteristics of each age, nutritional status, living environment, affected by many factors, together with up to 2.5 years after belirginleşmesinden breasts, sexual organs around the armpits tüylenmesinin tüylenmesinden next 2 years and is expected to begin within 1.5 years after the beginning.
Secondary sex characteristics appear and the first menstruation to live with the young girl becomes an increase in the hormone estrogen, which increased accumulation of fat under the skin causes the body assumes the female body lines.
Physically, the result in the long and complex process in a woman's body gained quite a lot of adolescent psychology and fast changing. Internal conflicts are experienced. Childhood and young adulthood who can not decide between the remaining and most of the time, the environment it encounters the same dilemma approach decreases. In addition, rapid growth brought problems for young people is the pain and physical weakness.
Desires to remain young in this period alone. Yorulmakta can do things easily and quickly get tired before or brought by rapid growth and as a result of co-ordination disorder feels awkward and clumsy. Psychology of young people in general, a reluctance to change, restlessness, desire to resist authority, disputes the opposite sex, in kontrolsüzlük. And extreme excitement under control can not be responsive. Self-confidence is related more to the bottom of the characteristics of the young not like.
The most important support for adolescent girls by directing him to take their own decisions and changes and that it allows başetmesine. Inform young daughter and try to understand changes in family as he could.
More: http://www.saglikal.com/kiz-cocuklarinda-ergenlik-donemi.
To have healthy hair should be washed regularly. Brushing hair shed hair, dirt and dust repellent serves. A normal hair should be washed once or twice a week at least. Oily hair should be washed more frequently if. After rinsing thoroughly with clean water before drying the hair gently combed. Kurulanmasında hair with a soft towel should be used. Drying process also must be soft. If you used a towel on hard or very severe ovulursa spawned on the hair tips. Electric hair dryers and dried. However, the hair dryer must be kept very close. In this case, negatively affected by temperature extremes of the scalp and hair.
Used in the soaps and shampoo for washing hair oil solvent properties of a substance soluble in essence creates easy. Shampoos also smell, color and materials added to the condenser. These additional ingredients may cause irritation of the scalp. Some substances can cause allergic reactions, used in shampoos on the market. Therefore, the selection of shampoo, the nature of unknown substances should be avoided.
Hair at the bottom if you have dandruff, wash often with soap and water can be useful not very hot. After rinsing the hair thoroughly with water and consult a medical institution in the scaling be unavoidable. Physicians outside of the proposal put forward to be beneficial for the hair may not be safe substances. Hair cleaning brushes and combs are often used as a personal wash with hot soapy water and rinsed. Health benefit of cleaning the hair out of the scheme, the relations between people and the positive impact of well-being is also important in terms of external appearance.
Which are the most common situations that occur Pile of Male?

b. «Gynecomastia». This is a wonderful young men and breasts in some cases, the development consists in the form of women's breasts. These men have shown abnormalities in the studies of the other gland. If you are developing in this way a man meme_ s, a disturbance in psychological ways do not attract any method of treatment is required. If you are suffering such a condition, the breast tissue are removed by surgery.
c. Cadonomatöz adenoma disease disease). Fifty, sixty and older men show breasts, sometimes over-growth states. Malignant breast tissues, such as whether this should be taken to detect '
d. Cancer. Male breast cancer is rarely seen. Treatment of female cancers are the same practices.
Unhealthy childhood or failed not because of your teeth

Suffering from being unhealthy teeth, permanent teeth are usually people who have pain problems as a child pulling teeth to believe that good bakmadıkları. However, recent research in adult teeth, healthy or unhealthy living standards ages shows to be affected. Mehmet Zahid Dentist Wins in recent years, according to a survey made little mistakes and lost their age progresses, inherited properties, in this case in order to have healthy teeth now underlines the real importance of giving your teeth.
Bad habits;
Oral and dental health at the beginning of the bad habits there's no doubt that smoking is affecting. Person smokes, the more, the higher the likelihood of losing teeth. To do this, keep your teeth for dental practitioners will be the most important advice to stop smoking. Non other than you consume sugary foods, acidic beverages such as coffee or tea stains teeth to consume food that is causing the frequency of your mouth and teeth are among the factors that affect health.
The effect of oral health habits of people as a child, he will gain a positive habit. Person years of age if the child later in this edinirse tooth brushing habits, and thus maintain a healthy mouth and teeth will be taken the first step to.
All of them brushing their teeth twice a day outside, I use dental floss and visiting your dentist regularly is also very important, indicating that the teeth and gums dentist Mehmet Zahid wins as a result of the problems yet to be an easy way to intervene early in the treatment edilebildiğinin underlines.
29 Nisan 2010 Perşembe
23 Nisan 2010 Cuma
15 Nisan 2010 Perşembe
Topic Overview
What is acne?
Acne, or acne vulgaris, is a skin problem that starts when oil and dead skin cells clog up your pores. Some people call it blackheads, blemishes, whiteheads, pimples, or zits. When you have just a few red spots, or pimples, you have a mild form of acne. Severe acne can mean hundreds of pimples that can cover the face, neck, chest, and back. Or it can be bigger, solid, red lumps that are painful (cysts).
Most young people get at least mild acne. It usually gets better after the teen years. But many adult women do have acne in the days before their menstrual periods.
How you feel about your acne may not be related to how bad it is. Some people with severe acne are not bothered by it. Others are embarrassed or upset even though they have only a few pimples.
The good news is that there are many good treatments that can help you get acne under control.
What causes acne?
Acne starts when oil and dead skin cells clog the skin's pores. If germs get into the pores, the result can be swelling, redness, and pus. See a picture of how pimples form .
For most people, acne starts during the teen years. This is because hormone changes make the skin more oily after puberty starts.
You do not get acne from eating chocolate or greasy foods. But you can make it worse by using oily skin products that clog your pores.
Acne can run in families. If one of your parents had severe acne, you are more likely to have it.
What are the symptoms?
Symptoms of acne include whiteheads, blackheads, and pimples. These can occur on the face, neck, shoulders, back, or chest. Pimples that are large and deep are called cystic lesions. These can be painful if they get infected. They also can scar the skin.
How is acne treated?
To help control acne, keep your skin clean. Avoid skin products that clog your pores. Look for products that say "noncomedogenic" on the label. Wash your skin once or twice a day with a gentle soap or acne wash. Try not to scrub or pick at your pimples. This can make them worse and can cause scars.
If you have just a few pimples to treat, you can get an acne cream without a prescription. Look for one that has benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid. These work best when used just the way the label says.
It can take time to get acne under control. Keep using the same treatment for 6 to 8 weeks. You may even notice that it gets worse before it gets better. If your skin is not better after 8 weeks, try another product.
If your pimples are really bothering you or are scarring your skin, see your doctor. A prescription gel or cream for your skin may be all you need. Your doctor may also order antibiotic pills. A mix of treatments may work best. If you are female, taking certain birth control pills may help.
If you have acne cysts, talk to your doctor about stronger medicine. Isotretinoin (such as Accutane) works very well, but it can cause birth defects. And using Accutane may be linked with depression. Let your doctor know if you have had depression before taking this medicine. And if you are female, you must protect against pregnancy by using two forms of birth control. Even one dose of this medicine can cause birth defects if a woman takes it while she is pregnant. You cannot take isotretinoin if you are breast-feeding.
What can be done about acne scars?
There are skin treatments that can help acne scars look better and feel smoother. Ask your doctor about them. The best treatment for you depends on how severe the scarring is. You can have scar tissue removed or have a shot of collagen. Collagen smoothes a pitted scar by plumping up the skin underneath. You may get the best results with a combination of treatments.
http://www.health.comGas Pains for infants
The recommended treatment for Koiik modern tsp
Anti-spasm drugs are used.
Natural health treatments:
• Colic babies live with the tension increases. Therefore babys relaxing and healing herbs available. Daisy relieve colic and lemon.
• Fennel and the lemon has a soothing effect.
• colic following treatment for patients with homeopathy can be applied:
• chamomile, cuddle babies that can be used for relief.
• Swing out swinging in the air is clean or comfortable for the baby when the winds are preferred by plants.
• Strange sounds coming from the stomach (gas sounds) "Cuprum Met." Matter can be resolved with his homeopathy. Frequently because of pain in his fingers, this article is available for infants.
• Rock Rose flower essence stress and removes the fear. Bach essences in spasm solvent feature is that people prefer.
• chamomile, lavender or rose oil to do abdominal massage soothes your baby.
• breastfeed your baby before nightfall, when you drop of lavender or chamomile oil, rinse with warm water. You will see relief.
Beneficial therapies
Massage, cranial osteopathy, acupuncture, herbalizm, aromatherapy, (colic episodes are caused by allergies to foods), nutritional therapy.
What you can do at home
If you breastfeed your baby, milk products a few days to break. Spicy foods, fruit acid, flatulent foods (onions, cabbage, beans) Avoid.
What is old age limit?
How aging male sexual life is altered?
Dr. Abdurrahman Free: Decrease in sexual function may be a natural consequence of aging. But sexual problems emerging diseases in old age or their treatment may also occur depending on. Decline in
testosterone with age and decrease in sexual desire happens. Besides the degree of decline in sexual interest are observed. However, this interest does not disappear completely, many elderly men with mild to moderate in sexual interest persists. Besides sexual iİişki a significant reduction in incidence with age is also
Erectile problems due to old age are often seen that?
Dr. Abdurrahman Free: 65 years later nearly a quarter of male erectile problems are seen in. Concerns about sexual performance and sexual skills as well as the decrease in anxiety, anger, internal closure, divorce, death of spouse, health problems can also lead to erectile difficulties.
What is andropause?
Dr. Abdurrahman Free: Depending on the aging of the male hormone testosterone that decrease the blood levels. Men among the people of this state menopauseu will try. Sexual function in aging men, but caused a decrease in, womans after menopause had lived in the same situation is not one to one. Gradual decrease in sexual function in men, a slow, progressive manner occurs. This situation also varies from person to person. Unlike women, men and decreased ability to fertilize, although continues.
What leads to reduced testosterone?
Dr. Abdurrahman Free: Occurs with aging as a natural hormone levels, with the effect of changes in nerve and vascular structures, some changes in sexual function occur. Very large amount of testosterone in the testicles (male ovaries) is performed. Some of these production centers are in the brain by means of various hormones are kept under constant control. The decrease in sexual desire with age, testicular function and the reduction in blood levels of testosterone are associated with: In addition to the reduction of hormones in the blood the way a variety of neural stimulation leads change. As a result, an erection problem that may arise.
Aging effect which is hard be felt, what else?
Dr. Abdurrahman Free: Another important factor in the formation of hard the penis is the structure. With aging in both muscles and muscle density decrease is observed in the tensile capabilities. With some of the effects of changes in di duyarh penis decreases, and is necessary for sexual intercourse takes a lot longer to achieve hardness. During this period, the provision of physical contact with stiff comfortable. But the visual, auditory, and without touching the penis may be difficult to ensure compliance with those hard. Besides occurring in sleep and arousal in the number of hard enrichments occur spontaneously without any decrease in quality is hard enrichments .. With aging, while prolonged stimulation prior to ejaculation, orgasms can occur during muscle contractions are also more vulnerable. Besides a decrease in semen is miktannda. The decrease in sensory satisfaction during discharge and a second in the time required for erection is prolonged.
What are the symptoms of andropause?
Dr. Abdurrahman Free: Psychological mental fatigue, restlessness, irritability, difficulty in gathering attention, overall deterioration in the well-being, depressive mood can be observed. Physical weakness, muscle volume and strength reduction, breast growth, decrease of hair, visible increase in abdominal fat. Besides, people from excessive sweating, flushing sensation, disturbed sleep patterns and insomnia detection palpitation feeling can be. Decrease in sexual desire in terms of, reduction in power hardening, the second prolongation of the time required for hardening, reduction in semen and semen miktannda pulse power can be decreased.
Andropause begins at what age?
Dr. Abdurrahman Free: Partly in the 40s after the male hormone cycle begins to decrease. Determines the degree of decrease in the formation of the complaint. However, all the men in the 40s, although it is hormonal decline may not be seen andropause. Hormonal factors are not only effective on andropause, social and psychological factors also play an important role. For example, erectile problems and work has begun to position itself in the life one does not see the emergence of andropause easier. Or 'I lost my year. How do you train? " andropause can be brought to live in fear.
How is the treatment?
Dr. Abdurrahman Free: Primarily the result of aging erectile problemsyle diabetes, hypertensionHigh blood fat linked to the problem of erectile dysfunction should be distinguished from each other. Diseasesa related problem arising in oral erectile dysfunction drugs, the use of vacuum devices, sex therapy, penise needle, vascular surgery and treatment options, such as joy stick. With aging alone resulting in an erection of the main reasons for the problem of masculinity hormonesis on of the scarcity. In this case, hormone replacement is missing. For this purpose there are various drugs that can be used in different ways. However, this group of drugs in people with metabolic disorders, liver or heart those functions and the problem prostate cancer should be very careful to use those at risk. This group of drugs does not cause prostate cancer development, but existing cancer leads to rapid development in the presence of cancer. Except that today, people who have erectile problems are low in undesirable effects, effective drugs available.
See also. Difficult Period of men: andropause
What is andropause?
Decline in testosterone in elderly men period begins, that the period of decline beginning "AndropauseIs called. In fact, it is not not totally male hormone "androgen deficiency syndrome" is called. The only difference is that the situation of men in women's knife as opposed to the situations phrase with decreasing number of male hormone is the emergence of symptoms.
The reduction of testosterone are the symptoms of andropause?
Andropause, the physical symptoms and complaints of sexual function and psychological consequences as revealed.
Psychological aspects, nervousness, anxiety, depressed mood, decreased motivation and can be seen with chronic fatigue. Forgetfulness or memory problems that adversely affect may begin. In the same way people have mental problems that this situation can be triggered with andropause.
Physical aspects, inability to concentrate, fatigue, increased need for sleep, muscle and joint pain is accompanied by symptoms like hot flashes occur.
Of sexual orientation, with the decline in male hormone sexual aversion and is accompanied with the increase in erectile problems. Nevertheless, advanced age in men with osteoporosis revealed that osteoporosis also andropause.
Men can be enclosed in
Andropause in men is seen in males over 50 years. Stress causes a decrease in sexual performansdaki. Problems often men than they do in this situation inside the external expression can be tough. Continuous aggressive behavior is exhibited with a personality that can upset everything. Sudden and severe psychological disorders seen by output by close to unbearable as men are expressed.
How is the diagnosis made?
First, the decline in testosterone with simple blood tests and rates are determined. The best way to express oneself is important. According to the complaints of patients with urological specialists, physical examination, testicular shrinkage and softness of texture, as well as reduction in the penis, such as a decrease in muscle mass from these findings due to be diagnosed as anropoz.